For example, Mom only allows her child to watch television for less than 30 minutes a day, but Dad allows her little one to play for longer.

This will make your little one confused about which rules to follow, making it difficult for him to learn good living habits.

  1. Don’t compare children
    As said previously, each child’s development is different. So, you don’t need to worry and compare your little one’s abilities with those of neighbors’ children, siblings or work colleagues.

As long as your little one is still on a normal development path, you only need to invite him for regular check-ups and provide appropriate stimulation.

If you feel there is a developmental disorder, you can immediately consult a trusted pediatrician.

Continue to provide proper nutritional intake through MPASI, ma’am. Because, nutrition has a very important role as the start of your little one’s great roro4d big journey by supporting his growth and development as optimally as possible as he enters his first year.

Of course, your little one’s food must be complete and varied, including macronutrients (carbohydrates, protein, fat) and micronutrients, such as DHA and LA+ALA from fish oil, calcium, iron and iodine, as well as a combination of FOS:GOS fiber. in the right ratio to support your little one’s digestive tract health.

So, don’t forget, to start all the greatness of your little one so that he continues to grow and develop optimally by giving him Bebelac 3 GroGreat+ milk twice a day.

Bebelac 3 GroGreat+ is equipped with clinically proven FOS:GOS 1:9 content as well as Triple A (DHA, LA, ALA) as well as other important vitamins and minerals to optimize nutritional intake so that your little one grows well with healthy digestion (happy tummy), creative thinking (happy brain), and a big heart (happy heart)!